Deep within the bowels of his magical tower, the renowned wizard Rankor crafted magical stickers, each type infused with potent magic. The Barbarian's sticker granted immense strength, while the Ranger's sticker ensured unerring accuracy. For the Cleric, a sticker radiated restorative energies, and the Rogue's sticker rendered its wearer nearly invisible. As darkness threatened the land, a diverse band of heroes, adorned with Rankor's creations, united. In a fierce battle against the malevolent sorcerer Malakar, the stickers' powers surged, turning the tide. Malakar was vanquished, and realm was saved. Rankor's enchanted item became legendary, their magic a beacon of hope for all.
We back our products! Each fabulous Fantasy Sticker is hand checked to make sure that you are getting the highest quality. These stickers have colors that are clear and bold. Put them on your books, dice bag, satchel and more.
MSRP is $47.88. Buy this bundle and get all 12 stickers for the price of 10 ($39.99).