The story of the Dragon Blacksmith...
Within a hidden sanctum, Glint, a wise and benevolent gold dragon, embraced the art of blacksmithing. His colossal form delicately forged metal dice imbued with radiant enchantments. Each die, intricately etched with symbols of luck, radiated golden warmth. As the forge glowed with ethereal light, Glint's creations became tokens of fortune and virtue. The gold dragon's unexpected craft blended majestic craftsmanship with the whimsy of chance, leaving behind treasures that echoed the benevolence of his golden heart.
Old School Dice & Accessories carry a wide range of premium & specialty dice. Each fabulous set is hand checked to make sure that you are getting the highest quality. Made of a die cast non-toxic zinc alloy, these dice have colors that are clear and bold. Our dice sets work great for RPG's such as DnD, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu and other games. Each RPG 7-dice set includes all of the standard polyhedral dice.